How to Grow Hemp In Your Garden

A Complete Guide to grow Hemp Seed in your Garden It appears like everywhere you look, new hemp related articles are popping up. Following the latest Farm Bill, hemp became legal to grow in every US state. With which comes an influx of farmers, jobs, and new products hitting the market each and every moment. Some of us are sceptical, but there's a totally new market of individuals which aren't only intrigued in hemp, but intrigued in developing it! That begs the question, how hard is it to develop hemp? . Is it feasible to do it at home? Today we're going to speak on how you can start your very own hemp garden at home and what the process looks like. Relevant Read: Cost of Growing Hemp in Your Garden. Keep In Mind It is well worth noting that hemp grows quicker than wheat however, requires less water, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilisers that makes it a more sustainable crop. Hemp is also a yearly plant, so it completes its life cycle in one growing season. It ...